
by Lucas Trent and Roland Lowery

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  • January 27, 2005 - Sorry about the long break. I lined up some difficult courses to take this semester, and it took me longer than I expected to get into the swing of things to allow me time to get back to including comic production in my daily schedule. Everything's fine now. -LT
  • January 3, 2005 - For today's comic, in case you're wondering who is in the picture and who's missing, it's all of the major characters who are already RSFED fleet officers assigned to the Praetor above the rank of Ensign that you get to know about so far. Clockwise from top center: Warren Jurin, Erica Seikaniya, James Watrikel, Bruce Karsikov, April Savoy, VOR-01, Rachel Victor, Deborah Thomas, Nor'lynd Kelor, Rurerral H'Jon, and Thy'lia Kih. -LT
  • December 29, 2004 - I put off the comics for Monday and Tuesday since I was so distracted by lots of highly entertaining Christmas gifts, followed by some work on auxilliary content for this site. I just put up what would have been Monday's comic for today, and if time allows, I'll get up some new stuff in the galleries and on the virtual ship tour. -LT
  • December 20, 2004 - Here goes... Hope you have as much fun with this as we've been having! -LT
  • November 27, 2004 - It is my pleasure to officially announce the new writer for Praetor, Roland Lowery of Role of the Die. Anyway, the steady flow of plot and quality shall begin on December 20. Same characters, same art (or maybe better), but far superior writing. Are you excited? I know I am... -LT
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